Monday, August 29, 2011

Game Week

Well it's game week. And not just any game week... but FIRST game week! The Lovable Luttrell's have stepped up to the plate to throw the first game week party for the Alabama game!! Though we are a split family, between Alabama and FSU, J has a little more game support and it's pretty much 1 to 80!

Not Only is it game week but it's also my husband's birthday! Needless to say there will be a lot of cooking and baking this week and little mini projects around the house to get it "family" ready!!

I have a new recipe to try for the game... Jalapeno bacon poppers Click here for the recipe. The other half is bound to love these as much as my stuffed mushrooms and buffalo dip, though I wouldn't dare let a game and birthday go by without buffalo dip :)

Cheesecake of course is also in order... just not sure if I'm doing a chocolate cheesecake or strawberry. We shall see.

Also this week I start 3rd and 4th graders at AWANA. Wish me luck, I wanted the cubbies (3 yr. olds), but I'm sure there is a a reason for me moving.. Always a plan. Hope everyone's week is as blessed and busy as mine!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Home sweet OUR home

Ahhh, our home is finally really starting to feel like OUR HOME! We have painted every single wall with what colors we wanted and redone the floors in every room except our master... that's for later :)

It's amazing to see our little hosue turn into, Mr & Mrs' Luttrell's home.
We almost finished all the hardwood floors this weekend. I trim is the last thing, got the nail gun in the trunk. So here is the change from our closing date less than a year ago.

I thought this would be more dramatic.. this isn't even our stuff, but what the house looked like when we first saw it. :)
Painted walls, carpet and padding up, baseboards painted and 1/4 round up.
Padding down
Wood floors, I need a better camera, our wood isn't red :)

Friday, August 5, 2011

Rhinos.. :)

I wanted to share a quick thought before a busy weekend. We are finally doing our hardwood in our home this weekend. The final BIG PROJECT for a while! I'll post later about that :)

For now, some of you may know that my Dad went to Guatamala recently with our church. Mission work is absolutely amazing, I was forutnate enough to go to Mexico a couple of years ago and believe me, it changes your life. I don't believe it's for everyone, but if you ever get the chance to go or have any questions, let's talk. Or I can put you in touch with my Dad. He's been to Czech and Mexico and now Guatamala.

Guatamala was Dad's experience and again I'd be happy to share his stories or let you talk with him, but I want to share what their mission lead explained upon their return. They shared some stories but their message was to tell other people about God. The bible says "Go and tell others about Jesus." Matthew 28:19. Terrall is awesome with words and said "This is God's plan, there is no plan B." I love it and it rings daily since his statement.

Why am I posting this?... I'm getting to it :) Some may find that church is not important, but it really allows experts on the word to break it down for you.

Terrell led the mission (he did mine as well). He a great speaker. Here is his story.
The Rhino:
The Rhino can gain speeds up to 35 miles per hour. He compared this to a squirrel in the street, maxes out at about 25 MPH. That's fast for a heavy rhino. The catch is, they can only see 35 feet ahead of them. When a rhino charges and runs, he is running by faith, if you will. Can you imagine running at that kind of speed and only seeing 35 feet ahead of you? That's about 2 cars length.
Their motto all week was, run like a Rhino!

A lot is going on in my family's company and we continue to act on faith. Small leaps of faith and large leaps of faith, but every leap is by faith.

Friday, July 29, 2011


Well today was my day off... well I had overtime and since I'm salary I don't get paid. So I'll stay home :)

We finally have a place to eat. My amazing Grandparents bought us our first "REAL" piece of furniture. Norma. the lady that owns the place we got married and Norma's restaurants, has a saying in her kitchen that the kitchen is the heart of the home. Where families dine together, friends gather and (at least at my house) the "talks" happen. I'm so excited to finally have a "presentation" place.

Tonight we are dining like royalty. Justin finished his first week at his desk job so he got to pick. Steaks (chicken for me) and mashed potatoes :)
Have a great weekend everyone!!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

A little DIY yourself.. BALLS

Actually the Luttrell home is in DIY crazy mode right now. I'll post more about the guest bath and other things later, it's giving me anxiety just thinking about it :)

It's been driving me crazy lately that we don't have pictures and decorations up in the house yet. If you have ever been to my room at prior to homeownerhip, you know I surround myself with pictures of family, friends and favorite places and decorations in general makes me feel at home and cozy. One thing that has been urking me is this beautiful Apothacary jar I have from my wedding. I tried to get decorations for my wedding that I could reuse in my new home (wedding everyday). Well this jar was filled with candy orange slices on my candy bar and has been empty since the wedding... NO MORE!

The jar has sat over my kitchen cabinets for a while... I have a LARGE space up there and I had a vision of simple decorative brown balls to fill it. OMG what a pain... I looked at Hobby Lobby, Micheals, Jo Ann's and even Walmart.. Those things are expensive and I could not find what I wanted... SO PROJECT ERIN IS BACK!
You'll need:
*Styrofome balls... I did varying sizes because the shape of my jar.
*Spray paint
*Shish-ka-bob sticks
*Spray adhesive
*Moss or whatever you want to cover

I stuck the balls in the ground to make it easier to handle. (night time pic sorry)

Let them dry a little and lay them on newspaper to dry over night

Once dry, cover the balls in spray adhesive

Crunch the moss on, continue spraying adhesive if it's not sticking like you want it.

They look a little messy, mine aren't in "touch range". I trimmed them a little, but I didn't need them perfect

AHHH!!! Yay. This is exactly what I wanted in my kitchen and it cost me under $25.00

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Slow cooker = life saver

Last night we had Taco Stew... one of Mr. Luttrell's favorites. I always run out of time at home so I bring all the ingredients to work and let it sit in the back. Everyone always gets upset and wants to eat it :) I've given out the recipe and everyone just loves it. I figured I would share!


1/2 onion (or less) chopped
1 16-oz can black beans
1 16-oz can kidney beans
1 16-oz can corn (drain)
1 8-oz can tomato sauce
2 14-oz cans dices tomatoes with chilies
1 packet taco seasoning
2 chicken breast (I like the pack of chicken strips b/c they are easier to shred)
chopped jalapeno (if you like it hot)

Mix everything but the chicken together in a crock pot. Lay the chicken (yes raw) on top and cover. Cook on low for 8 hours or high for 4. 30 minutes before eating take out the chicken and shred it up, then add back so it can soak up the juices.

Add sour cream, salsa and cheese. Server with tortilla chips if desired.

It's so good and it makes a lot so you have left overs for lunch or dinner the next day.

Monday, July 11, 2011

The couple that sweats together..... cries together?

Well, it's true!! Newly weds pack on the pounds.. at least in our case. So, this week starts P90X and Clean Eating. Talk about numb shoulders, OUCH!
Anywho, now starts meal planning extreme and good old "clean" home cooking :)
Monday- Jap Burgers and asparagus with watermelon for dessert.
Tuesday- Teryaki Chicken with broccoli and pineapple
Wednesday- Clean Taco Stew
Thursday- Baked whole wheat penne and chicken italian sausage. Baked Apples for dessert
Friday- Grilled chicken salad with mardarin oranges, cranberries, strawberries and almonds with a little goat chesse
Saturday- Grilled shrimp and steamed broccoli

Lots of protein and veggies

Wish us luck. Tomorrow is Plyos! Yikes

Friday, July 1, 2011

Reading is not my thing :)

For those of you that know me, I am not a reader. I don't enjoy sitting back and spending hours in a book. It's never really been my thing. Other than bio books and the bible, I've only read C.S. Lewis books from front to back.
Along with a long list of half read books I found this one. I was in an airport traveling Lord knows where and picked it up. Again, I saw the title, didn't really read the back or anything. I thought it would help me stop being so selfish. Justin and I had really just started back dating and I thought it would help me be a better girlfriend and think more in the terms of "us" instead of me.
What a SMACK in the face. The books ended up being about these brother who started Me to We, it's a social outreach program to support third world countries and those less fourtunate. It talked about how these ventures brought them to meet wonderful people, including Mother Teresa, do mission work in places I'd only dream to visit and make the world a better place.
Here I am trying to be a better person when there are people out there making a difference for the whole world.
It's really an awesome book, not really sure how it ends... but they have a website . They also started Free the Children! Another awesome organization!

Friday, June 17, 2011

What they didn't tell you.... Newlywed edition

Well we are almost to the 3 month mark. Everyone jokes with you leading up to the wedding; "don't do it" "it's not worth it". Don't listen to them. Some people may not agree with me, but I'm going to share a few things "they" didn't tell you. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, I love my husband completely unconditionally, but marriage is all about working everything out together. You told me it was going to be hard, but not why or how. I am a happy girl, but here are a few things "they" didn't tell me.

*You didn't tell me: He was always going to be there! I love snuggle time, couch time, bed time and all times. But sometimes it's okay is he goes to his mancave and I sit on the couch with some SVU and cottage cheese. right?

*You didn't tell me: He doesn't love everything I cook. Who doesn't love a good turkey burger with spinach. He actually says "I don't really like that" now.

*You didn't tell me: that when things break and he can't fix it "Not even your Dad" can fix it.

*You didn't tell me: that the arguments are almost pointless.. I mean what do you say? "You go sit over on the other side of the room and don't look at me until I'm done being mad"

*You didn't tell me: I can't throw my stuff everywhere in my room and leave my makeup out, apparently it's his room too?

*You didn't tell me: that he doesn't have to eat 3 full meals and that he doesn't gain weight when he only eats carbs.

*You didn't tell me: He loves every sport... oh wait I knew that coming into this :)

*You didn't tell me: that he was going to start helping clean the kitchen after dinner, because I broke the "don't enter the kitchen" that his mom started.

*You didn't tell me: that I don't win at everything after the wedding, but I'm still winning at wins.

*You didn't tell me: that I can change "him" but only as long as I make some changes too.

*But you did tell me that I would still love him no matter how many "you didn't tell me's" there were.

I absolutely LOVE being married. Love you too JP ;)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quick Chick!

OMG I have a new found person to stalk! Laurel House is the "Quickie in the Kitchen" girl. She has amazing tips on eating right, trying new things and some weird workout in bed (haven't really looked too much into it, don't think I want to break a sweat in my clean sheets).

Check out her querkie blog: Quick Chick ... She has a lot to say, but I'm all about the science of food and she explains things very well.

I haven't learned how to put a video on here yet so here are a couple links to videos I like:

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Monday, May 30, 2011

Smorgasbord Night!

Tonight was SMORGASBORD night!! Yum, we had little leftovers from the week. Our menu included 2 chicken Italian sausages, 1 pork chop, a serving of chicken spaghetti and garlic bread. Little does the hubs know that was really a clearing out of our cabinets. We are way over due for ridding ourselves of "honeymoon menu."

We've been eating pretty healthy but we could def improve. Preplanning is the only way I can stick to anything. Thankfully with an extra day off this week, I planned our dinners for the week. This life-saver calendar I got from Target. I'm really bad at communication and reminders, so this helps both of us remember what's going on. Wednesday Justin has class so I normally eat with my mom :). But the calendar really helps, especially in the morning when I see that I need to pick something up, or start the crockpot.

Anywho, my sister asked me to send her the recipe for my Tuesday meal. Specifically cuz Chloe can eat that one :). But I thought I'd post the whole week. I love sharing recipes!

So here it goes:

Monday- clean the kitchen ;)

Tuesday- Honey Chicken Kabobs **Spark Recipies is awesome, they aren't always super clean, but you can clean them up yourself and all their recipies are fairly healthy and have all the nutritional information, so you can find what your willing to eat

Wednesday- Justin's last class for the summer (cookout)

Thursday- Pulled Chicken stuffed Red Peppers thanks for the link Carrie :)

Friday- Turkey Burgers with acocado and salsa

I'll leave the weekend open. But the kitchen is stocked with healthy snacks and stuff for lunch. I'll keep eating my tuna, but I have to stop packing unhealthy crap for him.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

5-7 Fruits and Veggies a Day?

That's right! It's not just an apple a day that keeps the doctor away, it's 8! I wish it was that easy. Truth is for most of us busy bodies, fitting in 4-5 meals a day and including a fruit or veggie in each one is harder than you'd think. And with fruit being so high in sugar, while trying to be "healthy" you should really only have 2-3 of the F&Vs as fruits. It would be a lot easier to eat 6 apples in the morning and just get it over with.

Though there are pill form supplements, eating the real thing fills your little tummy instead of leaning on carbs to help fill the void or worse, real sugar.

Any who, here are some fun, easy ways to get more fruits and veggies in your day.

  • Childhood throw back: One of my favorite snacks is apple and almond butter. But again I love fruit and need help with the veggies. A yummy alternative is BUGS on a log :) The ever so under-used celery isn't just for hummus and ranch anymore. Put some almond butter on those babies and dress them up with raisins or cranberries, even blueberries! Almost any fruit will make the perfect bug. You got your protein, veggie and a small serving of fruit, depending on how many bugs you like

  • Roll ups without the roll- My trainer taught me this one. Turkey roll ups, I had them for lunch today :) Boars Head is my fav, ask the peeps to slice it sandwich style. Take 2 pieces of turkey, two hand fulls of spinach torn and any other dressing. Today I used pesto (Classico is really good and no pine nuts, for the allergy ones out there). Use can use cheese, carrots, mustard, anything on a sandwich. Stuff the spinach and condiments and roll that puppy up! YUMM!! Full serving of veggies, protein and healthy fat!

  • Amp your salad- You can always add another serving to your salad. Adding fruit such as pears, mandarin oranges, pineapple, any kind of berry can turn your salad from one serving to 2. Of course you can always add veggies too, but fruit makes my salad colorful and fun! I little grilled tuna and you have lunch.

  • Throw it on the grill- You can save washing dishes by throwing a veggie on the grill with your meat. Asparagus, corn, broccoli anything. Wrap in in some foil and steam it out! You can also add some fruit to the grill! Grilled peaches are one of my favorites! Pineapple, pears and grilled banana (learned that in Mexico). This iron skillet from Crate and Barrel is the perfect size to throw on the grill next to your turkey burgers!! Put a little olive or coconut oil on there, salt and pepper with your favorite veggie and they will be done when your meat is ready. Squash and Zucc is so good, and no leftovers in The Luttrell Home.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Fighting for a cure

This weekend was our Pensacola Relay for Life. Cancer awareness may seem to some like a time to wear pink. Yep, May is Breast Cancer Awaness month (as well as sometime during football season now, apparently). But cancer awareness is a little different in my family.

The two on the ends are my Mom and Dad. They both have battled with the "C" word. It's human nature to forget to be thankful for anything when something is fixed. But, this weekend at Relay was all about remembering, those who fought, those we've lost and those who contiune to fight daily.

My Dad was diagnosed with cancer when he was 25 years old, I was 8 months. I am thankful for Dr. Einhorn in Indiana that "just so happen" to be working on a trial cure at IU Medical Center. My Dad was a candidate and it worked. It's saved my Dad and many others including Lance Armstrong. LIVE STRONG!! He's been Cancer free for 25 years

My Mom heard the "C" word when I was 8 years old. I am thankful for Dr. Sunnenberg. She had progressed into stage 4 by the time they caught it and FOUGHT back. She's been cancer free for 17 years.

My Mom and Dad both are walking miracle. I know God put them through their fights for a reason. Maybe it was so they could support each other through the other's battle. Maybe it was to bring us all closer through prayer and love (may also be the reason I slept with my sister everynight from when I was 4-10, Sorry Nuns)

I will be doing more than just wearing my "Save the Ta-Ta's" tank to the gym. I want to continue to volunteer for the cause and help raise money for a cure. Medicine has always been my passion and though I may not be in Med school like I had planned, there are other plans out there for me.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Boxes and work

So though we are working on our yard, we are still sorting through the last of our boxes. I have a slight issue with holding onto things, but we managed to condense almost all our memories into one box (and another one for some of my younger memories). So here it is, "Our Box." Filled with yearbooks and little league programs from softball, baseball, cheerleading and football. You can see my little bag of notes, our diplomas, and a diary that holds some pretty rough memories from Freshman year at FSU, including days of missing Justin so much and thinking that was the end of "our" road. You can see the score card from when we won STATE in high school, our senior class portrait, pom poms, and Justins' McSwaine award. So many memories, some good, some bad and some how they managed to bring "US" together in some magical, horrific tornado/roller coaster :)

Okay enough of the sap, don't VOM !!

I may obviously have a slight case of hoarding (see below) keeping notes from my lunch my mom gave me... hence the box of my own stuff. I have letters from my sister when she first went away to college and letters from her through my first days at college. I've kept postcards from my dad, whom used to travel a lot when I was little and any birthday card that ever made me cry. I don't know what I'll do with all this stuff, but for now it's in the attic and I'll pull it out again one day and love it all the same. I'm a very lucky girl.

Some of you know I work for my Mom and Dad's business, but you may not know what we do. It's not the Mexican Mafia :) My parents own a Computer Training and Gov Contracting company. I've only been there for 2.5 years, but it has really changed from my first day to now. I don't know all the numbers but I do know I was the 32nd (coincidence, I think not) employee and we are somwhere around 77 now? I think. Well this little company has just continued to grow and change. We've brought on some great christain people into the office, which helps hold myself accountable on a daily basis. This past week was National Prayer day, our whole office gathered at our new sign and flag pole for prayer over our country, familes, company and so on.
It's so nice to know that we have wonderful people that love such a wonderful company. Dad was out of town in Seattle and everyone else is scattered from Seattle to Georgia, San Diego and Orlando. This is just our little office :)

Monday, May 2, 2011

Here's to the new and Here's to you.

This is my first blog... I'm always behind the trends but I like to consider it fashionably late. So let me start by a little bit about myself and what you will get out of my blog. I am horrible at spelling and grammar, no need to correct me just read on. I am not a dietitian but I have a love for healthy food and healthy life. I am a newly wed, so I'm all about gushing love and home projects for our new house and trying to make it into a Luttrell Home...

So I'll start with a family tradition of "Here's to." A toasting tradition that I'm not sure if my sister made up recently or if it's been around for years, but here it goes:

  • Here's to, my new husband and our new life, may we bring God into our "circle" and love each other unconditionally as we have for the past 7 years.

  • Here's to, blogging, hopefully I can stick with it and someone out there will learn something new.

  • Here's to, a new leaf turning to health, family, love and friends.

  • Here's to, our list (in a later blog) of accomplishments we want to make together before adding to our family.

  • Here's to, Home Depot and Lowe's for helping us make our seemingly huge house into our home.

  • Here's to cook outs and get togethers that will start soon, after we get over our "sit at home and snuggle phase." :)

  • Here's to adding our families together to make the perfect concoction of life as we know it

  • Here's to many, many more "Here's to's."

This weekend, was a lazy and productive one, Saturday we helped mom and Dad with the SGM neighborhood garage sale. We picked up a HUGE picnic table for our backyard.

After that we laid around the house, while Justin prepped for his first Semi-Pro referee game this year. So proud of him for being one of the few selective to move up. Sunday we went to Crawfish Fest and a trip to Home Depot for Justin's project of giving our mail box a face lift:


After- We will probably add some flowers later

He was very proud, and so am I :)

I also got to start a little trial of my garden which will be full of veggies one day. But I thought I would start with some of the most indestructable veggies possible: Jalapeno, Cayenne and tomatoes. Soon I'll have citrus, and all kinds of veggies.