Friday, June 17, 2011

What they didn't tell you.... Newlywed edition

Well we are almost to the 3 month mark. Everyone jokes with you leading up to the wedding; "don't do it" "it's not worth it". Don't listen to them. Some people may not agree with me, but I'm going to share a few things "they" didn't tell you. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, I love my husband completely unconditionally, but marriage is all about working everything out together. You told me it was going to be hard, but not why or how. I am a happy girl, but here are a few things "they" didn't tell me.

*You didn't tell me: He was always going to be there! I love snuggle time, couch time, bed time and all times. But sometimes it's okay is he goes to his mancave and I sit on the couch with some SVU and cottage cheese. right?

*You didn't tell me: He doesn't love everything I cook. Who doesn't love a good turkey burger with spinach. He actually says "I don't really like that" now.

*You didn't tell me: that when things break and he can't fix it "Not even your Dad" can fix it.

*You didn't tell me: that the arguments are almost pointless.. I mean what do you say? "You go sit over on the other side of the room and don't look at me until I'm done being mad"

*You didn't tell me: I can't throw my stuff everywhere in my room and leave my makeup out, apparently it's his room too?

*You didn't tell me: that he doesn't have to eat 3 full meals and that he doesn't gain weight when he only eats carbs.

*You didn't tell me: He loves every sport... oh wait I knew that coming into this :)

*You didn't tell me: that he was going to start helping clean the kitchen after dinner, because I broke the "don't enter the kitchen" that his mom started.

*You didn't tell me: that I don't win at everything after the wedding, but I'm still winning at wins.

*You didn't tell me: that I can change "him" but only as long as I make some changes too.

*But you did tell me that I would still love him no matter how many "you didn't tell me's" there were.

I absolutely LOVE being married. Love you too JP ;)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Quick Chick!

OMG I have a new found person to stalk! Laurel House is the "Quickie in the Kitchen" girl. She has amazing tips on eating right, trying new things and some weird workout in bed (haven't really looked too much into it, don't think I want to break a sweat in my clean sheets).

Check out her querkie blog: Quick Chick ... She has a lot to say, but I'm all about the science of food and she explains things very well.

I haven't learned how to put a video on here yet so here are a couple links to videos I like:

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