Monday, May 30, 2011

Smorgasbord Night!

Tonight was SMORGASBORD night!! Yum, we had little leftovers from the week. Our menu included 2 chicken Italian sausages, 1 pork chop, a serving of chicken spaghetti and garlic bread. Little does the hubs know that was really a clearing out of our cabinets. We are way over due for ridding ourselves of "honeymoon menu."

We've been eating pretty healthy but we could def improve. Preplanning is the only way I can stick to anything. Thankfully with an extra day off this week, I planned our dinners for the week. This life-saver calendar I got from Target. I'm really bad at communication and reminders, so this helps both of us remember what's going on. Wednesday Justin has class so I normally eat with my mom :). But the calendar really helps, especially in the morning when I see that I need to pick something up, or start the crockpot.

Anywho, my sister asked me to send her the recipe for my Tuesday meal. Specifically cuz Chloe can eat that one :). But I thought I'd post the whole week. I love sharing recipes!

So here it goes:

Monday- clean the kitchen ;)

Tuesday- Honey Chicken Kabobs **Spark Recipies is awesome, they aren't always super clean, but you can clean them up yourself and all their recipies are fairly healthy and have all the nutritional information, so you can find what your willing to eat

Wednesday- Justin's last class for the summer (cookout)

Thursday- Pulled Chicken stuffed Red Peppers thanks for the link Carrie :)

Friday- Turkey Burgers with acocado and salsa

I'll leave the weekend open. But the kitchen is stocked with healthy snacks and stuff for lunch. I'll keep eating my tuna, but I have to stop packing unhealthy crap for him.

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