Well we are almost to the 3 month mark. Everyone jokes with you leading up to the wedding; "don't do it" "it's not worth it". Don't listen to them. Some people may not agree with me, but I'm going to share a few things "they" didn't tell you. Sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings, I love my husband completely unconditionally, but marriage is all about working everything out together. You told me it was going to be hard, but not why or how. I am a happy girl, but here are a few things "they" didn't tell me.
*You didn't tell me: He was always going to be there! I love snuggle time, couch time, bed time and all times. But sometimes it's okay is he goes to his mancave and I sit on the couch with some SVU and cottage cheese. right?
*You didn't tell me: He doesn't love everything I cook. Who doesn't love a good turkey burger with spinach. He actually says "I don't really like that" now.
*You didn't tell me: that when things break and he can't fix it "Not even your Dad" can fix it.
*You didn't tell me: that the arguments are almost pointless.. I mean what do you say? "You go sit over on the other side of the room and don't look at me until I'm done being mad"
*You didn't tell me: I can't throw my stuff everywhere in my room and leave my makeup out, apparently it's his room too?
*You didn't tell me: that he doesn't have to eat 3 full meals and that he doesn't gain weight when he only eats carbs.
*You didn't tell me: He loves every sport... oh wait I knew that coming into this :)
*You didn't tell me: that he was going to start helping clean the kitchen after dinner, because I broke the "don't enter the kitchen" that his mom started.
*You didn't tell me: that I don't win at everything after the wedding, but I'm still winning at wins.
*You didn't tell me: that I can change "him" but only as long as I make some changes too.
*But you did tell me that I would still love him no matter how many "you didn't tell me's" there were.
I absolutely LOVE being married. Love you too JP ;)