I wanted to share a quick thought before a busy weekend. We are finally doing our hardwood in our home this weekend. The final BIG PROJECT for a while! I'll post later about that :)
For now, some of you may know that my Dad went to Guatamala recently with our church. Mission work is absolutely amazing, I was forutnate enough to go to Mexico a couple of years ago and believe me, it changes your life. I don't believe it's for everyone, but if you ever get the chance to go or have any questions, let's talk. Or I can put you in touch with my Dad. He's been to Czech and Mexico and now Guatamala.
Guatamala was Dad's experience and again I'd be happy to share his stories or let you talk with him, but I want to share what their mission lead explained upon their return. They shared some stories but their message was to tell other people about God. The bible says "Go and tell others about Jesus." Matthew 28:19. Terrall is awesome with words and said "This is God's plan, there is no plan B." I love it and it rings daily since his statement.
Why am I posting this?... I'm getting to it :) Some may find that church is not important, but it really allows experts on the word to break it down for you.
Terrell led the mission (he did mine as well). He a great speaker. Here is his story.
The Rhino:
The Rhino can gain speeds up to 35 miles per hour. He compared this to a squirrel in the street, maxes out at about 25 MPH. That's fast for a heavy rhino. The catch is, they can only see 35 feet ahead of them. When a rhino charges and runs, he is running by faith, if you will. Can you imagine running at that kind of speed and only seeing 35 feet ahead of you? That's about 2 cars length.
Their motto all week was, run like a Rhino!
A lot is going on in my family's company and we continue to act on faith. Small leaps of faith and large leaps of faith, but every leap is by faith.